Thursday, April 1, 2021

No Rest for the Weary

Because I can't rest, my first hours of spring break have been consumed with what musical to do next year. Mind you, we haven't even finished post-production on the video for this year's show.

I love what I do and can't wait to get back into action. Even the planning process excites me so much!

What to do? What to do?🤔

Mentionable and Manageable

Two years ago, I shared this quote with the TYA class and it became a touchstone for students throughout the year. With Mr. Rogers as our guide, we began to feel more comfortable with the idea of exploring life questions with young people. I did not think to include it in class this past fall, but the sentiments permeated the course and the thoughts and projects generated by the students were similarly contemplative of what can be explored through children's theatre.